Post Classic Race Machines Eligibility Application Form 

Before applying to the CRMC for an Eligibility Certificate for your machine, please note: 
Please read the current version of CRMC Eligibility Booklet and the section relating to your particular machine (click the link above) 
An Eligibility Certificate or temporary eligibility will be required prior to racing at CRMC Events. It will be usual for the Eligibility Officer to physically inspect the machine prior to full eligibility being granted. 
The Eligibility Certificate when issued remains the property of the CRMC and the certificate may be revoked for any discrepancies to recorded detail or changes to the machine that have not been agreed and recorded by the CRMC Eligibility Officer. 
All members and applicants must abide by the CRMC Rules (click here - link will open a new window) 

Post Classic Eligibility Form 

For all 4-stroke machines manufactured after 01/01/1973 and 2-strokes after 01/01/1968. Either complete the online application here or scroll down to download the form 

CRMC Online Post Classic Eligibility Application 

First name
Last name
Contact details
Machine Details 
Year (if appl.)
Swinging Arm
Rear Suspension
Front Wheel
Rear Wheel
Front Brake
Rear Brake
Serial number
Bore (mm)
Stroke (mm)
Total cc
Engine capacity
Please upload 4 photos, one taken from each side, with the fairing on and off (max. file size 5mb). After clicking "Send", please remember to Click Pay Now to pay the £27.00 Eligibility Fee; we will not be able to consider your application until you have paid! 
Once you have completed this form and clicked Send, you will be taken to the payment page to pay the fee. Your application will only be considered once you have paid the fee.  
Alternatively, you can download and print off the form: 

If you have any questions please contact one of our Eligibility Officers: 

Classic Eligibility - John Davidson 
Post-Classic Eligibility - Andy Pike 
Sidecar Eligibility - Ian Johnson 
Technical Problems with the website or dowloading - Mark George 

Age & Types of Machines 

Machines considered in the following groups will normally be of a type raced in Europe in the relevant period. Other machines that do not meet this criterion may be referred for inclusion by the CRMC committee 

Click on these heading for more details 

Thoroughbred machines as raced in Grand Prix, TT and certain short circuit racing. 
Machines built for racing and of a type raced during the period (as defined below) using as a basis engines not qualifying for Grand Prix together with certain machines which do not meet Sports or Production specification. Included in Post Classic is the Air-Cooled Class for machines up to 500cc. 
Essentially unmodified production road and sports machines. 
Machines 501cc and above built for racing and of a type raced during the period (as defined below) using as a basis engines not qualifying for Grand Prix together with certain machines which do not meet Production specification. 
Machines up to 1300cc that meet the formula specifications contained in the Eligibility Rules, which you can read in the document library. 
Post Classic 750 Superstock is designed for 750cc production based machines manufactured and raced pre 1987, such as the Yamaha FZ750 and Suzuki GSXR750. 
Machines solely for Parade use which in the opinion of the management committee will add variety and interest to CRMC parades even though they might not specifically meet the eligibility requirements. Such machines will not normally be eligible for racing. 

Find out more about CRMC Eligibility 

Browse the CRMC race classes 

Age Classifications (or periods) 

Bikes are divided into age classifications as below 
All machines = 1st January 1945 and 31st December 1963 
Four stroke machines = from 1st January 1964 to 31st December 1972 
Two stroke machines = from 1st January 1964 to 31st December 1967 
From 1st January 1973 for four stroke machines to the date stated below according to engine size 
From 1st January 1968 for two stroke machines to the date stated below according to engine size 
100cc up to 125cc single or twin cylinder = 31st December 1986 
126cc up to 250cc single or twin cylinder = 31st December 1984 
251cc and above single, twin, triple, or four cylinders = 31st December 1981 
126cc and above single or multi-cylinder machines = from January 1st 1982 to December 31st 1986 
Note: Any 50cc or 125cc Grand Prix machine, whether two or four stroke, is eligible for Classic if constructed before 31st December 1972. 
A new Post Classic Supersport class for production-based machines manufactured and available prior to 1st January 1995. 
400 Supersport: Maximum Capacity is 400cc for 4 strokes & 250cc for 2 strokes 
600 Supersport: Maximum Capacity is 600cc for 4 cylinder 4 strokes, 750cc for 2 cylinder 4 strokes & 500cc for 2 strokes. 

CRMC Championships More about our Classes & Championships 

We do our best to fill the grids with compatible machines that will be competitive against each other. Obviously, this very much depends on the machines that enter each individual race event but we think you'll find that a good mix and variety of machinery makes for good, close and competitive racing at CRMC events. 
Finf out more about the CRMC Championship Classes