Welcome to the Brand New CRMC Website!
Posted on 12th March 2024 at 10:54
We hope you'll find everything you need to know about racing and parading with the CRMC on this brand new website, which has a new, fresh look, new images and improved functionality so it looks good on whatever device you are using.
As you can imagine, there is a lot of information, links and content here on the website and it may take a while to get everything bedded-in and working properly - it's a bit like running-in a refreshed engine, so be gentle but if you discover that something doesn't seem to work as it should, or you can't find what you are looking for, please contact me, Mark George, using this message form.
One important change is that to Join or Renew your CRMC Membership, or to access your CRMC Account and update your contact details, your race machines and most importantly, to enter races, you'll see a new link to the Race Entry System on the Home page and Next Meeting page. Clicking on this link will automatically open a new browser window to join, renew, enter and pay for your entries, exactly as you did before. But if you need help, contact the Race Entry Secretary Anji Yardley, or me.
I hope you enoy the new website and I hope to see you at a CRMC track soon!
Mark George

Tagged as: Website Updates
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