It's not long now and if your engine looks like mine above, time is tight so get back in the workshop and get your entry in! The Entry List and Timetable for CRMC Pembrey has been published. 

Let's Go Racing - CRMC Pembrey 6-7 April 2024 

An updated Timetable has been published for our first race of 2024 at Pembrey, along with the Entry List of who's racing what and when. It's good to see lots of nice grids, but there's still time and space so if you and your engine are nearly ready, get your entry in now!  
We've also updated the format of the Timetable and Entry List to include our sponsors details, please help us to show we all appreciate their support of the CRMC and classic and post classic motorcycle racing and buy from them when you can. 
To enter, login to your CRMC account: 
Tagged as: Race Information
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